Photography is my language.
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Joachim Baldauf, renowned proponent of international fashion photography, presents a new, previously unknown side to his creative output. Inspired by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s “Walpurgis Night” in the tragedy Faust I and II, his portraits, studio subjects, and outdoor themes illustrate its content with artistic freedom. Thrilling, revealing, and erotic, all leitmotifs tell their own story, complement each other, and spark the imagination. From analog photography via mixed reality to the use of artificial intelligence, Joachim Baldauf moves masterfully through a complex network of possibilities, true to the maxim “Consider What, more deeply consider How” (Faust II, Act II).
Softcover, 160 pages, 28,5 x 21,5 cm, German and English, 2025
Published by Iris Maria vom Hof and
Exhibition and book
Since the world's first photograph was taken in 1826 by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce using the heliography process, photography became a mass medium. So far, trillions of photos have been taken and billions of new ones are added every year. Pictures can connect people and cultures, they are contemporary documents and reflexions of our world. Photos are also exaggeration, fantasy or utopia in the artistic expression. Since the development of Photoshop, neural filters and AI, the virtual world looks more and more real and has become part of our reality – fantasy and reality merge into a new visual aesthetic. For me, photography is the medium with which I transform my thoughts into images. In my opinion, only when artists make their inner being transparent, complexity and a certain truthfulness arises in the depiction.
Exhibition promotion poster
Book with softcover, 84 pages,
24 x 30 cm, German and English, 2023
Exhibition and book
The award-winning photographer Joachim Baldauf became internationally known in the late 1990s when he became a style icon for a whole generation with his technically brilliant and artificial arrangements for WALLPAPER* magazine. Now 52 in 2022 photographed large-format tableaux are on display at the PHOTOPIA STREETSIDE GALLERY HAMBURG. The images are intended to show how surprisingly modern and thereby sustainable fashion from the past can appear when you look at it from a contemporary perspective. A catalogue with a foreword by Iris Maria vom Hof accompanies the exhibition.
-Press release by PHOTOPIA
Softcover, 68 pages, 17 x 22 cm, English, 2022
The OBERAMMERGAU PASSION PLAY has been an integral part of the life of a community in the Bavarian Alps for 388 years. It was first performed in 1634 to fulfil a vow after the village survived the plague. In 2022, more than 1,500 people retell the story of Jesus of Nazareth, touching hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world with their performance directed by Christian Stückl.
But what happens if we meet the main actors off stage without their costumes? What is it like to draw close to the people involved and the roles they play? Something magical happens. Beyond the actors and their performances, we encounter the themes of life and death, guilt and redemption that the people of Oberammergau have been living for centuries – through a photograph by Joachim Baldauf.
-Press release by PRINTKULTUR
Softcover, 88 pages,17 x 24 cm, German and English, 2022
Exhibition and book
Photography in the original sense writes, paints or draws with light. A photo triggers emotions in our brain and can cause BRAIN STORMS. There are photos that immediately catch our eye, photography that speaks a language that we do understand. And then there are images that irritate, ask questions. Subjects that we want to decrypt. Photos with a hidden meta level and multiple possibilities for interpretation. We keep asking ourselves what photography actually is. It's not just technology, image composition or image content, not just analog or digital, art or not art. It is communication. Ideally, it remains as a universal language in our personal or collective memory. As an image, reflection, contemporary testimony or the parable of the society in which we live.
Softcover, 112 pages, 21 x 29,7 cm, German and English, 2019
I love haikus, the short Japanese poems and I love fashion. So it was obvious for me to create FASHIONHAIKUS. I wrote17 short poems – they are available on www.fashionhaikus.com. The typography comes from one of Germany's most awarded design studios: The poems were typeset by BÜRO UEBELE in UBER MASSIMO, designed by Andreas Uebele and Gabriel Richter.
The gallery
GEHIRNSTÜRME was conceived as the opening exhibition for the LEICA GALLERY DÜSSELDORF.
They exist, these truly special encounters. A meeting with a person who touches and accompanies you. I encountered one of these people in 1998. It’s really a day like many days. But this day becomes another day. I meet Veza. She is my model on this Tuesday in Munich. I will photograph her repeat edly over the next 18 years. This book dokuments our collaboration. It is also a testament to a deep friendship.
Softcover, 88 pages, 21 x 29,7 cm, German and English, 2017
The book is beautifully designed by Albert Handler. It includes a conversation between Tyler Brûlé, the founder and former editorial director of WALLPAPER* and present editor-in-chief of MONOCLE, and Ariel Childs, the former photo editor at WALLPAPER*, essays by Tillmann Prüfer, an editor at DIE ZEIT and the style director at ZEIT MAGAZIN, and a preface by Uta Grosenick, former publisher, DISTANZ VERLAG.
-Press release by DISTANZ / excerpt
Hardcover, 384 pages, 24,5 × 30,5 cm, German and English, 2013
Exhibition and catalogue
For the 300th anniversary of the MEISSEN PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY fashion photographer Joachim Baldauf shot a total of thirty images around the myth, the legendary history and bright present of Meissen porcelain. Albrechtsburg Castle and its cathedral neighbour are the focus of 30 motifs, where the past and present of the white gold cross paths in highly symbolic images and scenes. The exhibition catalogue was produced in cooperation with Claudia Seidel as a curator and editor and Melanie Vorbeck as an art director.
-Press release by PORZELLANMANUFAKTUR MEISSEN / excerpt
Softcover, 66 pages, 28 x 34 cm, German / English, 2010
Exhibition and book
The book by the well-known German fashion photographer Joachim Baldauf shows expressive male nude photography with high artistic standards in an unusually beautiful presentation.
–Press release by ABEBOOKS
Hardcover, 140 pages, 14,5 × 21,5 cm, German, 2006
Book and CD
The year is 1998. After initial experiments with digital photography, my first book ASK was published in collaboration with fashion designer Antje Drinkuth, graphic designer Dorothee Guther and composer José Salpietro. For the book we created photos with VIRTUAL PRODUCTS and a CD with AUDIBLE SCENTS. Some of the products that were utopian have now become reality. The JUDGE OF THE WORLD on the cover, who always makes the right decisions, unfortunately not yet.
Softcover, 36 pages, 10,5 x 14,8 cm, German,1998